Scrying the world of stocks to find the potenial gains of pennyland, looking for the next possible sub penny runners, short term plays, momo's, breakouts to long holds. these stock picks are based solely on my opinion, I am not a paid advertising firm employee, I do not work for any finacial firm and these picks are based on my personal DD. Buy at your own risk, I will not be held responsible for how you personally decide to spend your money after all; the stock market is unpredictable.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Money in my sleep. 2015+ to come
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Operation Global Acceptance
I would like to introduce you to a new form of Global Currency that is Backed by Fiat funds. Imagine a debit card you can use anywhere in the world without having to exchange currencies. A Global currency that is already being used as we speak, and traded. But the biggest thing is to make sure of it's stability by using it to buy things with and put it into mass circulation =).
XPY (paycoin) is an amazing tech currency so advanced you can use it anywhere in the world that takes debit or credit cards. Hassel free without having to worry about conversion. Acquiring XPY is easy as trading in currency at the airport exchange if not easier. First of all you can purchase the coin directly at paycoin or you can go to online exchanges such as Cryptsy or Bittrex or use both sites to trade =D, there are many more exchanges as well.
On the exchange you can trade XPY/USD or XPY/BTC. Another exciting thing about PayCoin is that it comes with a debit card. international debit card you can use to withdraw from any atm or just swipe it. You will be able to store your funds securely and a card to spend your funds however you like. Depositing money into your account is made simple by PayBase which is sister company to PayCoin to bring seamless transactions creating the bridge between fiat and digital currency.
The more you use this in your everyday life like paying your bills, buying food, other expenses you are making it easier for digital currency to adapt into stabilized currency with a projected floor price of 5-20$ it is not bad considering it has only been out for 1 week and has already hit highs of 12$ a coin.
I suggest you check this out because this company I feel is on to the evolution.
Another reason why I respect this Company PayCoin & PayBase is because its CEO Josh Garza founder of GAW built this empire after being ripped of on a purchase, which gave him a 1 million dollar vision come true in his first year of doing business. And a successful 7 days of this coins release. I am going to stop here so you all don't think I am trying to pump something so I leave it for you to decide with words from Josh himself Quoted from what he wrote on a Hash Talk Forum ( - 12/23/2014)
"You are Paycoin
I think you’ll agree with me when I say that the last few weeks have been incredible to be a part of. Now, we find ourselves at a nexus - a point in time where decisions are made that will affect the outcome of everyone’s efforts - hopefully for results that we can enjoy for years to come; and, it’s all about how this community pulls together to turn Paycoin into something that can truly change the crypto industry and the world.
We are now stakeholders in what can become a global currency well suited for the long term prospects, of not only us as the early adopters, but for generations of people beyond us. As with anything new, it will require a fresh outlook and new thinking.
For a long time, miners have had to focus on “getting what’s theirs”, and that made sense given the landscape. There were many bad companies out there, promising quick ROI’s and profits, only to never deliver on the promises they made. GAW stepped in and changed that; for the first time, many of you finally did realize ROI’s and profits. - but because of circumstances in the industry creating an unsustainable arms race, the model we offered to our miners needed to adapt.
It’s now time for a new way of thinking, it’s no longer just about an “ROI”.
I have heard a lot of people speculate about how we will help manage the $20 goal we have for Paycoins. I have read comments that range from, “GAW will use the FIAT supply to help manage the market” to, “This is great, I can buy Paycoins cheap and cash them out when Paybase comes online.”
One comment is what we intended, the other is not. Allow me to explain a little further.
Economics 101
Let me remind what the entire value of Paycoin was: stability.
Let’s start with this:
“No system ever devised can handle every person using it simultaneously - there are limits. Paybase is no different.”
Consider a highway system. If everyone jumped on the highway at the same time, what would happen? The traffic would slow, and eventually (quickly) stop.
Consider any stock exchange. If everyone sold their stock at the same time, what would happen? The exchange would crash.
Now let’s consider Paycoin and Paybase. When we set up the CAF (Coin Adoption Fund), it was never meant to “cash” everyone out at the same time. In fact, it’s not only the opposite of what we intended, it’s also the opposite of what you, the shareholders, would want. After all, for the CAF to do its job, it needs to be sustainable and stable - and staking and using Paycoin as a currency is the means to that end.
Paycoin is not like a stock where you just buy low and sell high. The entire dream - the dream we all share - is a stable currency that the rest of the world may participate with us in. How will that happen with people looking to game the system, only looking to make a quick buck?
It’s our goal that most everyone involved with making Paycoin work should do well from the smallest miner to the people here at GAW that are making this happen. We all should - we believed in the vision and learned from the past and helped mold Paycoin into what it represents today - a way forward.
GAW is doing its part, now the Paycoin community needs to make a decision about where we will go from here. Do we want Paycoin to be something we participated in for a few months, or do we want to be able to hand over the reins of Paycoin to succeeding generations of people to grow with? The decisions we make today will steer this ship in whichever direction we choose.
Back to brass tacks - we have talked about this “floor” for a long time. What does it mean? Does it mean you can always sell your paycoins at $20 or does it mean we will work together to create a market that makes Paycoins worth at least that? It’s both. GAW can accomplish this with everyone working in the same direction with the same goals.
The floor is created and sustained by using a combination of our buying power and our funds (derived from the CAF) to help pull the market up at strategic times when selling pressure is at its highest. But, the value of Paycoin has to exist because people believe it has value and are willing to stake (and spend) their coins over the long term. Staking and spending are two of the most important methods of refilling the CAF, and, therefore, sustaining the value of Paycoin.
The First Market Maker
Paybase is the first market maker for Paycoin and here is how it works:
As new customers join Paybase to use its rich feature set, they will be purchasing Paycoins, which we source and buy in the marketplace, which in-turn raises the price of Paycoin. Paybase makes a market for Paycoin - not the other way around. Paybase was built to help stabilize the market. It will automatically find exchanges that low sell orders for Paycoin and buy them first to lift the price to stabilize it.
This is something no crypto currency has ever had: A powerful market maker, like Paycoin, focused on creating adoption and stability. More market makers are coming, it will not just be Paybase, many more are on the way.
So what does this come down to?
Josh, “Will I get my $20 for my XPY when Paybase opens?”
Here is the bottom line:
- Will GAW use its resources to help ensure you can use your Paycoins in Paybase at a $20 value? YES
- Will everyone be able to rush and sell every Paycoin they own at the same time for $20? NO
- Will I need to sell every Paycoin I have to ensure I get $20 for each one? NO
I am confident with the support of the community staking, spending and evangelizing their experiences, we are in for great times ahead of us.
How can I help Paycoin help Me?
So what do you do?
First, it’s ok to sell what you need to. There is no crime in that, we all have to live.
Do your best to use and hold Paycoin. I know it’s going to take a bit for you to be able to use it everywhere. It will require some degree of patience, but the power of our dedicated company and an incredible community will make Paycoin spread like wild fire. It’s already happening!
Our job is to fill in the gaps: use our reserve to “manage” the gaps, bring on many new merchants to try out, make cool things like debit cards that tie in to your account, and make things simple to use.
We will build all the systems we can to help. We will provide the tools to help get the job done. We will make contests to promote new businesses accepting Paycoin. We will build team Paycoin to help organize team efforts to grow Paycoin adoption. We will create websites to create resources to spread the word for Paycoin. We will fund nonprofits that support Paycoin. (spoiler alert) - We will may even buy an ad during your favorite sports event of the year…
We all have a responsibility to make Paycoin different. We’re all here because we see the future. We know getting in on a global currency this early is far more important and valuable than any short term gains that can be made from trading today.
So let me be clear. If the only reason you’re in this is to buy low, sell high, and get rich quick, then there is no place for you here. Paycoin is bigger than that. We’re not here to give speculators a spectacle. We’re here to change the world.
Are you with us?
As you can see I feel with Josh we are in great hands. Atleast give Paycoin a try its free hassle free and no fees!!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Fellow Traders.
The Good News is if you sign up here, at ZenCloud it could prove to be an investment worthy of looking into. So far they have got their shit really put together. So if you do not have a cloud account I suggest you go here to The Cloud and sign up free! Once you go through the tutorial you will get 10GHz free ust for signing up.
Check it out, its a great investment!

Booming future? 20% Dividends coming soon? =P
I have read somwhere on Yahoo Finance that $USEI is talking about giving a 20% dividend! Yes Please, I have been holding my shares for about a year and a half now, People laugh and say I am crazy but sometimes even pinkies are worth holding for a Long time =). as long as you take some profits at some point why not! and it's easier during tax time.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Great Online Broker
Folks are you ready to open online trading account
You must fill out some SEC compliance papers and a W-9 for legal reasons but this is one of my favorite Brokers online Suretrader
They have done a ton of Upgrades since I had signed up a few months ago and they have a very good Customer Service! If you like penny stocks or any other stocks and low commissions, give Suretrader
Thursday, December 4, 2014
An interesting Pot Stock
Saturday, November 22, 2014
btcmadness - HOW TO FLIP YOUR BITCOINS FOR 17%-plus profits!!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Cloud Mining...this is awesome.

Monday, November 3, 2014
A powerful way to exchange currency
A great site for exchanging currency and for taking payments sending invoices etc. for more info.

Friday, October 10, 2014
just like trading pennies...crypt coins
The Platform is not hard to understand either Cryptsy has a great user friendly interface and easy deposits / withdrawals on all verified accounts. It took me a long time to have faith in this market but Like penny stocks, you just never know. =) Good Luck Trading!
check them out by clicking: Cryptsy
$ANR - Watching
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Suretrader account! Review: my thoughts on my on...
The minimum to open a margin account is only $500 USD. and there is no PDT restrictions but with that kind of power you must learn discipline (commissions still apply). The desktop application Das Trader took a while for me to get used too, but their are online tutorials. The speed of execution is amazing and you have access to routing your MM of choice.
Overall I am really happy with the service and deposits clear pretty quickly. The platform is continuously evolving as well. So with that being said if you are looking to add One more Brokerage Firm to your arsenal Please check out Suretrader
NOTE: *This is based on my opinion, other traders might not agree but I like Suretrader *

Friday, October 3, 2014
Need a Place to spend that Trade Profit? For Her ;P
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Stock Reviews - MMJ / Medical Feilds
$ANAS - A nutraceutical company that has gotten a new CTO an have seem to be making good moves. Tapping into the diet industry is huge in my opinion. and it seems as of the last call helped $ANAS with a +16% increase. to learn more read the yahoo article here -
$BBDA - Koma Unwind drinks have been approved as being made of Kosher Ingredients drink, They also have had partnered with Gold Coast Eagle Distributing.
Being at .0007 it may be one to watch, if all distributions go smooth and the response of consumers for their drinks unwind into profits it would be a win/win for company and it's shareholders.
Friday, September 12, 2014
$LOAN, $PGFY (gray sheet), $BTCS - Review
$LOAN - I don't really know much about this company but it has a very nice dividend for how low priced the shares are. But from what I have gathered they are a "hard money" lender which uses real estate as collateral. Why am I attracted to $LOAN ?
Because #1 the Price is under 3$ and 2 it's chunky Dividend of 0.28 and 10.90% Yield, I am no guru but I like dividends and this is a nice solid dividend for a cost effective investment with potential to grow over time.
$BTCS - An E-Commerce bit-coin shop platform designed to evolutionize online sales. they seem to be having a nice momentum with the recent news hitting the net 09/10/2014 - here ===>
I haven't loaded much on these but I will be watching to see where the whole BitCoin craze goes.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
from 0 to $5,633/day trading
I ever heard about this secret software before
but it was never proven until today.
Check this out, because it's crazy.
15 people can just cash in on this binary
loophole using a little known strategy
that nobody has ever shared with you!
And it's 100% FREE -- but not for long:
=>>> Get it Today
Penny Scryer
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Top Dividend News Letter
If you like to trade Dividends, Click Here!
Dividend Stocks Online is one of the best compiled news letters that I have subscribed too. If you like dividend paying stocks this is a well rounded news letter to help narrow down your search while scanning for good investment ideas about dividends. For more info about Dividend Stocks Online or to Subscribe Click Here!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Remembering the Front End Green Rush...Reflection
6 Months results using Penny Scryer!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Ever thought about swing trades.
I have been following this dude Jason B. on twitter for a while now almost 2 years. I just realized today he has a website and service to teach Swing Trades without having to sit on your computer.
He has a clear plan and solid system. Not all these players in penny land are all about the pump and dumps. Swing trading 3-5 days is perfect if you have a cash account and are not trading on margin.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Some Losses are more heavy than others, and some feel like internal bleeding or an atomic bomb. Trust me I have been there brothers and sisters. Anyways. EXG do some home work =) Good Luck Trading.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Times Are Tough...
It does suck to log into your account and see so much red but, who knows anything can happen, right? Anyhoo, I am holding on to my Pot Stocks, but I am also looking at $EXG, $IDN, $IPRU, and a few others.
I like $EXG - because of the sexy dividends.
$IDN - simply because of its potential. nice job getting all the contracts they did in the little time it took for them to achieve it.
$IPRU - I dont really have any reason behind this, I am holding on to them though. =D
Another Great Stock service, QUALITY alerts! Penny Stocks! Golden Penny Stock Millionaires
Good Morning Traders,
As you know in the Penny Stock World there are so many "get money quick" sites. Well I have gone through the hoops and headaches for you to discover this Amazing and Professional Site!
Golden Penny Stock Millionaires has very good picks, alerts are on time and it is a fair price! what do I mean by Fair? Cheaper than a tank of gas =D. If you are like me you like to save up so u can have funds to trade later, or have an amazing 3000% gain and take a break for a few months. Check out these Video's and do not delay...These Picks at Golden Penny Stock Millionaires are hot and fresh.
Penny Pick Finders Review-
During my search on the web for hot penny picks I stumbled on too Penny Pick Finders they have a good historical track record and the client base is strong.
When looking into "Penny Stock Sites" it is best to subscribe to a well known reputable source. Best of all, you can try out Penny Pick Finders for just $4.95 trial offer for 30 days is a Huge discount and only $19.95 after.
This is a limited time offer only. 1 Month of Penny Pick Finders for Only $4.95 limited time offer.
As with any type of investments, you should always research before you buy. DD is important.
Penny Pick Finders were also awarded 2010 and 2012 best penny stock website. Believe when I say the penny stock craze is real, and there is possibilities to make 1000% or more gains. But if your a Newbie or Seasoned trader but not sure what to look for or need some trade ideas give the crew at Penny Pick Finders a test drive today! => Click Here! or scan the code at top of page with your phone.
Good Luck with all your investments!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Penny Stocked.
In a world of so many people trying to convince you they are gurus, its hard to fond trust worthy systems. I have been looking into this system and it seems to be doing well. Penny Stocks, jumping in head first is not a recommendation.
The Solution: Click Here!
Monday, August 4, 2014
When Opportunity Knocks, Sometimes we don't hear it. $IDN - Intellicheck Mobilisa
Today 8/4/2014 they announced that they also have made a contract with the Port of Portland. you can read the whole article clicking here. from what I gather this has potential to be headed in the right direction especially with many more ports in the USA alone to conquer plus the other shipping venues over seas.
I cannot say what the future holds but I don't think that $IDN will stay in the below 1.00$ for much longer. Though I could be wrong but this service and company seems to have all its strategic implications in the right order. I am keeping my eyes on this one. I think at .68cents this is a steal.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Be Aware.
But sometimes some stocks are not worth the headache.
do your homework and make sure its worthy before you hold.
do not get stuck, learn charts. learn financials if you want.
learn your mistakes. earn your own flaws.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Tales of a recovering Kool-Aid addict...
kool-aid it was so intoxicating,
almost poison.
Bitter sweet essence green red candle stick,
they perform ritualistic incantations.
Sacrificing Bulls and Bears to Wolves and Lions.
Trophy hunters poach all of the above,
master tracker is he. wretched is the
Wall streets she bellows taking donations from them all.
less one finds the Divi-Dehn Sum dues maybe payed.
$DX I recon pays 13.9%
a pretty hearty chunk of change.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Cheap Gold Stocks and ADR's
Reflection of the last year since May 2013...
Well I did not know how humbling the market can really be.
the only place where you can turn 500$ into 40k in 3 months and lose it all in a day. If you wanna get serious in the game you have to respect the business.
If your looking for a get quick rich gig than the markets is not for you especially penny stocks.
You really have to dedicate sometime into this, but hands down experience is the best teacher.
Learn tricks of the trade to help be your guiding light, but let experience be your Master.
Learn from your mistakes! go through your trade history; compare it to the chart whatever your flaw, recognize it early and learn from it. If you are not willing to put work into this then you might be "S.O.L" or Shit Out of Luck.
No one in Penny land is there to hold your hand. Every trader has put in time to get to the level they have achieved in trading, so we must respect that.
Sometimes people in this atmosphere can be really harsh on "newbs". Resorting to pretty harmful words and mannerism they usually would not portray.
I guess we can think of these bashers as "internet tough guys".
All in the name of arrogance because they are "more experienced?"
most the time they are not more experienced just desperate for students.
Real talk, I have met some persons that have actually said bow down to me,
I am the best trader in the world, blah blah blah...
claiming they called amazing pick only later to find out they got the pick off of a "hot-stocked" PR.
Leave the koolaid for the kool kids. hunt the color blind no retreat no surrender. Keep your shit diversified and plan accordingly.
Stocks in a sense is like the Underworld, There are "junkies" and their are "dealers"...who side you on? seller or the user...only u can answer that for you.
Trust No One - the reality is no one can predict the future of a stock but we can witness price movements.
GL Trading =D don't feed the trolls
Sunday, July 6, 2014
If you going to add Options into your Strategy.
TradeKing offers 4.95$ trades on anything above 3$ i think read to make sure, and 60cents for options contracts that is super cheap compared to the fees at Scottrade. I use both one for Penny stocks and Options on the other.
Another thing I like about TradeKing is that they have an awesome educational center on the website that goes deep into options strategies that are easy to understand.
If you have an IRA account or Roth any type of IRA, I suggest you look into Options Trading to build extra tax free wealth into your IRA account. Some companies even offer you 4:1 match of what you trade (e.g. u put in $1,000.00 they match u $4,000.00), so that = FREE $$$ just something to think about.
why let your IRA sit and collect dust when u can trade Options with it and build wealth? remember TradeKing is one of the best options brokers IMHO.
GL Trading. =)
I am Liking Options Trading
Options are good as a blanket of breaking even. better to break even than end up with 0 better to be 0 than -50% its not to bad but still a dig to get back to 0% and into the green zone again.
I used to be all about Penny Stocks too but now I am realizing that if I put all my eggs in one basket than how can I become a better trader?
There are so many ways to do business in the stock market. As a buyer/seller we are participating in the markets as individual business owners. initially over time if you master this craft than you decide how much you want to get paid.
it all starts with a plan and takes mastering one step at a time. you will only get from this as much as you are willing to put in as far as dedication goes, not addiction. but Focus and Planning the move to wealth building.
I think its interesting how Options work. in the lowest tier it is kind of hard to make money, it feels like boot-camp. but I feel that if I can pass all 36 chambers and become a master of basics, then I will be able to use more advanced techniques but that does not stop me from studying what I can not trade yet.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Dividends are good for diversification.
just a thought...GL
Thursday, July 3, 2014
JULY 8th 2014!! Pot Stocks Get Ready
Get ready to possibly see some action here soon. July 8th 2014 Washington State pot shops open for business. People that don't even smoke the shit will probably go to the store just to say they bought weed legally.
Remember be just as responsible as you were when it was illegal. Drive safe if you live in Washington the DUI ratio for smoking will probably be High for the rest of the year as well as the drivers, lol.
I cannot guarantee that any of these stocks will stay around forever as with a lot of penny stocks its a 50/50 chance that they will go anywhere. but a handful of these small companies will probably surprise the non believers.
Good Luck on all your trading. Remember the 8th of July.
I am personally keeping an eye on $PMCM, $PHOT, $DEWM, $GRCU, $AGTK whenever i am in doubt I remind myself, Haters Love Me lol jk ***Get Smoking Supplies*** Click Here
Monday, June 30, 2014
Dealing with a -% in your stock portfolio
If you have been holding long like me some of you maybe deep in red too. Dur-ring these times we must remain like a honey badger! honey badgers don't give a f*ck. if you are at a loss of above 100$, I would wait and sell when your at 100$ loss instead of selling for a 1,000$ loss. Unless of course you have a large account unlike my small account size.
On paper trade i managed to make 2.8 million starting with 1mil in 2008. I wish that was real cash but I am working on building a real cash portfolio, And to add to how I deal with losses I have been studying Options Trading.
I am not going to post links here, but I am not talking about Binary Options either. I am talking about real stock options trading. If you are a tech trader like me than you might find Options interesting. So many strategies and maintenance involved but such a powerful tool to help you if utilized properly.
I think a huge part of losing big in options is because traders gung ho in blindly without doing a little research to understand it, of at first glance Options look to complex that they are afraid to get into it.
The goal is not to make a home run on the first hit you cant expect to make 10,000% all the time or at all, but you never know. it could happen I have seen some crazy shit happen in my trade days.
anyhow if you go for smaller gains over time it adds up to more cash flow in the long run. unless you hit mega home runs everyday which most people do not have time for unless they trade at some crazy firm, then go for smaller gains over time or one huge gain in a longer term.
Imagine if you would have bought 3M "scotch tape makers" stocks ticker MMM in 1964 for 3$ per share 1,000 shares for 3,000$ invested Today would be worth about $143,240.00 return on investment and that's not including the dividends over the years. I am sure during that time frame MMM had deep red days too on the way up to the 100's.
So my point is before you throw those "losers" away. Think about the future of the company and if it's worth losing a potential retirement plan.
Risk Management is the best thing you can do for your self. don't lose all your profits by going into one play, diversify until you build up your account higher.
GL Trading
Friday, June 27, 2014
Long time sorry...
Sorry its been a while since my last Post took a huge hit on my portfolio recently so I did not want to alert anything especially since all of the drama in the OTC with the halts going on.
So here is a reflection of what I have learned in this -5 digit loss i took this past month. If you are just starting sometimes after a few winners (300%+) in a row you get crazy and start to forget about risk management.
My mistake was thinking I was unstoppable and it just fueled my aggressive style trading. I recommend if you have less than 10k risk about 10% max of your capital.
just because you have 50% on the line in one holding does not guarantee you a win. I tried listening to too many people and tried emulating these styles without sticking to my plan.
If i would have adapted these teachings to my strategy I probably would have made more profits cause i was doing well before i let emails get in my head.
Never again will i play an email alert from someone i do not personally know and trust.
even that does not guarantee a winner but at least you don't buy into a commissioned pump and dump. So I am learning options trading I cant afford to invest into a program so I am teaching myself.
so far not so good but i do see the potential in Options trading.
Like with any type of investment, the strategy will not determine your payout. you have to really analyze options trades, or u could lose a lot very fast just in commission fees alone.
But a great way to maintain a solid aggressive portfolio that seems to work for me is a well diversified port.
you need to hold on to something too keep you "in the game"...Focus more on Risk Management, Focus Less on Reward.
in the long run you will build more over time. people that pray usually pray for something their whole life. people that pray then go out and get it, with that bit of creative will goes a long ways.
as for what i am watching these days:
Dollar Range Stocks: $CVRR $AUQ $GFI $PRAN
PennyStocks: $IDN $IDGC $PMCM & $HIMR
these are not listed as intention to promote or as to thought of as investment advice, risk your own cash at your own risk I am not responsible for how the Market moves that just the nature of the beast!
One thing I can suggest is check out:
Arming yourself with the knowledge of how to read charts and knowing price action will help you make wiser "investment" decisions. very easy to understand the way Clay explains it.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
2014 June Watchlist
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
$T on the MOVE break 37$ and its blue skies!
Watching PZG?
Titan Trade Review
as with any investment there is risk involved so please only invest what you are willing to lose. Titan trade also has a great staff that will help you improve your Binary option trades! try them out today.
Landing Page:
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The search is over.

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Incase you havent done DD lately; "Pharmajanes and Janes Card is about to be explosive."
So $Phot is on Halt
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
What a crazy last few weeks!
For the last few sessions I have seen some nice runs, and of course to skerd to cash out, I missed out on profits.
But I'm ok with that, I value my time and I am willing to hold for long long periods of time, listening to flipper's laughing to the bank, as shorts are screaming with tears of joy.
But in the end, Who holds longest, is taking the biggest Risks...
Yet who makes the most on return of investment?
Food for thought, and financial prosperity good
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
$YOD - china should not be over looked!
I find it interesting how articles will bash excellent stocks to give mms a head start on the loading zone. jk. but Do some DD on $YOD - you on demand could be sizzling by summer.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The days are bullion
My picks have been good so far these companies I see have potential to thrive. The share holders are the soul of the company.
Diversity is always good to have a balanced up down portfolios to minimal risk of loss.
Good Luck
$FCEL bigger than lithium?
So here's a thought to lessen meth production lets not make batteries and replacing them with fuel cells.
$FCEL is a buffalo runner where the grass is green follow.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
$ARR long hold long payoff
$TCLRY - technicolor has a ticker.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The Sleeper is Waking up
This could be the Next Tech GIANT in Electric Vehicles car dealers....just saying. $EVCA possible do your DD. Keep an EYE on This.
Monday, February 3, 2014
$ZNGA on the brink of Super Breakout.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Life's Dance
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Super Bowl to advertise Marijuana Special thanks to all the members for doing the DD =) GLTA!!!
Whispers in the night...
*Green Rush* - Great Marijuana Stocks
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
$AEGY = Wise $$$
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Stocks to Watch this Week! $AEGY, $SKTO, $TTDZ, $GLER Baggers in the making, great companies with boards you can trust!
Possible Epic Squeezes here in $AEGY!! all the longs here are rock Solid! I have been in $AEGY since 2009, I bought some and then logged out of my trade account for 4 years due to a restricted funds trade i did,I never logged back into my account until i seen news about - BOOM is all i gotta say Do some DD.JMO $AEGY is one of the Hottest MMJ plays for a great price. some of you might say;"if it so hot why have i not heard of this!" simple. Great Empires Need no pump, and the share holders here are playing for the table not the dealer. Great Support from Longs! and Super Longs.
Next Up $SKTO jmo i feel 0.08 is coming this friday!
$TTDZ - Alot of things going down here in the coming Week. Get in on monday or kick yourself later. JMO
$GLER - because it makes cents. this company is mind blowing! do your DD.
I am a fashion Designer, im not some boker or pumper here to tell you to spend your money but i love risky sectors. so this diversity of plays here, IMO- are great HOLD STRONG & LONG plays.
Best thing is they are creating jobs in America! Support Local Jobs nation Wide!!
$AEGY is Golden Enjoy! Penny Scryer 2014 Best seller
Friday, January 24, 2014
$FFFC New Green Rush Play
Thursday, January 23, 2014
$TTDZ multi Bagger in the making.
Priceline shares are around 1200$ a share $TTDZ just happens to be in the same line of business. 0007'$ will not last long put in your order tonight.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
I dunno much aboit this company but the chart look s, good enough too watch.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
$AUQ - Gold Digga special bull runs coming.
I feel positve about the incline in price because gold seems to be doing very well and business in Canada seems to be booming. 2014 will have a steep gain in the gold sector, new era of young blood investors starting to gain interest in the gold market.
Whether its cash or solid gold bars, people are buying it, companies are mining it, and money is there for it. one of the best conductors of the world, and possibly the one element that will help us be able to still have a chance to do business with aliens from other galaxies.
Anyway. $AUQ -great stock great dividends. Great chart. look into it.
Friday, January 17, 2014
$IRT - big dividend play
Thursday, January 16, 2014
how to trade Penny Stocks! Penny Scryer - New Best Selling Book!!!
I was down by 600k$ this friday i might Break through $1 Million!! on my virtual trade account that trades in realtime!
check out my virtual portfolio
this strategy i share with you will help you make money if you apply the technique!
Also if you are interested in astock guide check out 2014 best seller Penny Scryer!
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (October 23, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1493575538
ISBN-13: 978-1493575534
Product Dimensions: 0.1 x 4.9 x 7.9 inches Shipping
Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #157,018 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #91 in Books > Education & Reference > Schools & Teaching > Funding
Penny Scryer - Trading Bible, Strategy guide to penny stocks. but not limited to small cap plays. This is a strategy you can use to make money without losing your head. Penny Scryer is a handbook with a strategy to help you maintain focus on the goal of keeping your portfolio nicely balanced with patience. Of course many people think stock markets is gambling but it does take time and discipline to master the art of trading. To be able to plan a month to month risk reward, guidelines are great way to set yourself up for a rewarding income as a full time/PT trader. it will take discipline getting up early and studying the markets consistently, but it will payoff once you figure out your style. Did Babe Ruth become a legend because he quit on the first strike out? Its the same while learning how to trade, with each strike you get closer to home runs, you just need to find your zone. load the bases, and fire that home run rocket. if you can start with 10 plays and work your way to 24 stocks you will be golden, 10 dividend paying stocks, and the rest in whatever. 6 in Options, 6 in stocks or however you see fit. as long as you make 15min. out of the day to monitor whats going on. If you do not have much time on your hands set a GTC order, or just let it ride for a few months and log in to see how its progressing. However you trade, this Trading Bible will help you remember the goal, and a set up. easy to read no technical sh*t. just a plan and some real talk. Good Luck. Please Like and share this page!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Good company. An undervalued pot stock, thats still has a great entry point, also $SKTO amazing. Where as $AEGY, has the most potential for price still 0.0012 hot stocked 5 star ***** ratings it will bloom. Imho
With the janes card to make medicine more accessible, and having a great cto these 3 are amazing buys.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
DD for $GLER
Watch these BOOM- $GLER & $USAT
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
SIRI time to buy!
time to load up now befor it goes beyond 5$
Break Out Alert: $BIOL & $BORN
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Best Selling Penny Stock Book, Under Valued Price!!
Since then I met a lot of gurus, and one taught me the art of Zen Trading, through watching Forex charts. with any financial involvement there is no guarantees just like anything in life that involves money, comes risk. Only put in what you are willing to lose. and if you are in the OTC markets bare in mind there is a lot of risk going on so 20-50% gain is profits, better to walk away with something in case of the fall you still have cash to get into the millions of other trades that are posted daily.
One must consider that trading stocks is a business, you get up early in the morning, trade 15min-4hours up to you, it your portfolio and your business. invest in companies you want to see rise, and not just because your trying to make a quick buck, if you wanna throw away money your better off at the tables of craps and roulette, or the slot machines if you want to walk the path of the gambler.
But in my 6 years of trading stocks I learned one thing, a business mindset with a ZEN state of mind will carry you far, because you will make more rational decisions on trades. Simply because most gamblers get anxious or upset which in turn causes an individual to make irrational decisions.
"Win some, Lose some, Win Big, Lose Big, but Never Lose All" - Make it Rain.
have a game plan, a goal, research companies and eventually you might get into options trading or Forex or big caps, but for now check out my book Penny Scryer
Best of Luck! 2014
Penny Scryer - Availble on Amazon click here!!!
Friday, January 3, 2014
This Stock is a Huge Buy!
I really feel this is a strong buy especially since liberty is going to have a big merge in the near future. Dont wait for 2$ shares because you dont want to be chasing this one like the shorts of December had too.
Siri time to buy.