Risk: in Options are huge, but that is the thrill of the hunt.
Options are good as a blanket of breaking even. better to break even than end up with 0 better to be 0 than -50% its not to bad but still a dig to get back to 0% and into the green zone again.
I used to be all about Penny Stocks too but now I am realizing that if I put all my eggs in one basket than how can I become a better trader?
There are so many ways to do business in the stock market. As a buyer/seller we are participating in the markets as individual business owners. initially over time if you master this craft than you decide how much you want to get paid.
it all starts with a plan and takes mastering one step at a time. you will only get from this as much as you are willing to put in as far as dedication goes, not addiction. but Focus and Planning the move to wealth building.
I think its interesting how Options work. in the lowest tier it is kind of hard to make money, it feels like boot-camp. but I feel that if I can pass all 36 chambers and become a master of basics, then I will be able to use more advanced techniques but that does not stop me from studying what I can not trade yet.
Scrying the world of stocks to find the potenial gains of pennyland, looking for the next possible sub penny runners, short term plays, momo's, breakouts to long holds. these stock picks are based solely on my opinion, I am not a paid advertising firm employee, I do not work for any finacial firm and these picks are based on my personal DD. Buy at your own risk, I will not be held responsible for how you personally decide to spend your money after all; the stock market is unpredictable.
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