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Sunday, August 31, 2014


Why I Like $EXG because to me it makes sense. The dividends are nice and I see future growth potential for the long term holder. Anything can happen to any stock just being realistic. Up or Down is the risk we all take On.

Some Losses are more heavy than others, and some feel like internal bleeding or an atomic bomb. Trust me I have been there brothers and sisters. Anyways. EXG do some home work =) Good Luck Trading.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Times Are Tough...

Right now it's been rough, I am on a PDT restriction until 9/11 but its OK we are getting close to freedom. Besides being depressed that I cannot buy anything, alot of my "Pot Stocks" in the red zone.

It does suck to log into your account and see so much red but, who knows anything can happen, right? Anyhoo, I am holding on to my Pot Stocks, but I am also looking at $EXG, $IDN, $IPRU, and a few others.

I like $EXG - because of the sexy dividends.

$IDN - simply because of its potential. nice job getting all the contracts they did in the little time it took for them to achieve it.

$IPRU - I dont really have any reason behind this, I am holding on to them though. =D

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

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Monday, August 4, 2014

When Opportunity Knocks, Sometimes we don't hear it. $IDN - Intellicheck Mobilisa

 $IDN - Intellicheck Mobilisa has been making moves. After finalizing a oil company contract to supply card readers they moved into the Seattle area and landed a contract with the Seattle Fairy systems. That is huge considering the whole greater Seattle transit system with the "go pass" included in the ferry port system in place.

Today 8/4/2014 they announced that they also have made a contract with the Port of Portland. you can read the whole article clicking here. from what I gather this has potential to be headed in the right direction especially with many more ports in the USA alone to conquer plus the other shipping venues over seas.

I cannot say what the future holds but I don't think that $IDN will stay in the below 1.00$ for much longer. Though I could be wrong but this service and company seems to have all its strategic implications in the right order. I am keeping my eyes on this one. I think at .68cents this is a steal.