The world of penny stocks never cease to amaze me! alot of people think penny stocks are all just scams! well for me i do not believe that is the case.
i started investing into penny stocks in 2009 and did not know what i was doing, well since then i have been very happy that i learned the art of pennyland. i was holding a good amount of shares of $LVLT got in at 0.0009 it soared to 1.90 believing the bashers, i sold just to see it rocket to 22$ sadly i missed out on a 11,000$ return on a small investment.
Reaserch is good and learning basic charting skills can help you a lot on your quest to finding good penny plays. there are thousands of different symbols to choose from and gains happen daily but also losses can occur so only spend what you are willing to lose.
if you spend time on stock forums do not listen to much when people are bashing stocks...thats a good time to do your own researh and decide whats best for you do not let me or anyone else influence you to decide how to spend your money though i believe most my picks are golden.
Some people think stocks are a gamble but i think of it as a business reaserching in the night and waking early to set my trades. i trade as a business and not as a gamble because i want the highest return on my investment.
right now on my watchlist is TTDZ, AEGY, SKTO, SEEK, ILIV, EVCA, and MINE I believe these are all great plays regardless of what the paid bashers have to say. the finacials of november are going to be HOT for these tickerz!!
GOOD LUCK!! i would get in now before the BOUNCE! Bulls are coming, then the whales next...
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