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Scrying the world of stocks to find the potenial gains of pennyland, looking for the next possible sub penny runners, short term plays, momo's, breakouts to long holds. these stock picks are based solely on my opinion, I am not a paid advertising firm employee, I do not work for any finacial firm and these picks are based on my personal DD. Buy at your own risk, I will not be held responsible for how you personally decide to spend your money after all; the stock market is unpredictable.
The CEO is very confident I heard her talk on stock blog radio and she sounds like she has her shit together.
This stock hasn't began to run yet, I would grab my front row tickets now!
Was $FEEL but merged with mind360.com to make brain games, 88billion $ industry. This is an intelligent buy. Imho
$TTDZ is going to be on fire! 0.0004 per share is cheap. NO RESISTANCE get on this is gonna blow.
Web based travel agency bookings made easy.
The quarterly financials is way below price value of the stock itself,
Is what the word on the street is, and when the balance takes place we will be well on our way,
The resistance here is low and float is good.
Traveling is also repeating itself since they are a booking service and flights of Christmas coming soon...its going to be a busy new years.